P&G Wells Book Group

The team at P&G Wells is excited to be starting a Book Group to share and enjoy books.

The aim is for the meetings to be very friendly and relaxed. Not all members have to attend every meeting though we hope you may still wish to read the books even if you cannot come along. New members will always be welcome though we may need to restrict the size of the group if we get too large. We hope the meetings will encourage lively discussions but there will be no pressure to say anything if you don’t want to!

We will read a mixture of books with a slant towards contemporary fiction. Any book we choose will be available in paperback. Pretty much the only rule is that members of the Book Group should buy the book from our shop. Please do not bring kindles, being a member of the Book Group is about supporting P&G Wells Bookshop.

Book Group will take place on the third Thursday of the month (excluding August and December). Meetings will start at 7:00pm and last for around one and a half to two hours.

Places for each meeting will be limited to 10 participants.


April’s Book Group title is available in the bookshop now, or order online below!

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 165 mm


Amberley Publishing


Amberley Publishing








629.22609 (edition:23)


General – Trade / Code: K