"11th century, c 1000 to c 1099" "Architecture: palaces, stately homes & mansions" "Children's / Teenage fiction: Speculative, dysto "Children's / Teenage fiction: Speculative, dystopian & utopian fiction" "Children's / Teenage gen "Children's / Teenage general interest: Countries, cultures & national identity" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Insects, spiders, minibeasts" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Inventors, inventions & experiments" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Law, police & Crime" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Monsters, dragons & mythological creatures" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Religious texts, prayers & devotional material" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Rocks, weather & physical world" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Wildlife & habitats: Ice, snow & tundra" "Children's / Teenage general interest: Woodworking, model-making" "Crime & mystery: hard-boiled crime, noir fiction" "Educational: Language, literature & literacy" "Educational: Mathematics, science & technology, general" "European history: medieval period, middle ages" "Gender studies: transgender, transsexual, intersex people" "Graphic novel "Graphic novel / Comic book: crime, mystery & thrillers" "Graphic novel / Comic book: fantasy, esoteric" "Graphic novel / Comic book: memoirs, true stories & non-fictio "Graphic novel / Comic book: memoirs, true stories & non-fiction" "History: plagues, diseases etc" "Media studies: Internet, digital media & society" "Narrative theme: Death "Narrative theme: Death, grief, loss" "Settlement, urban & rural geography" 16th century, c 1500 to c 1599 17th century, c 1600 to c 1699 19th century, c 1800 to c 1899 20th century & contemporary classical music 20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000 20th century, c 1900 to c 1999 21st century history: from c 2000 - 21st century, c 2000 to c 2100 3-D images & optical illusions Abnormal psychology Acoustic & sound engineering Acting techniques Active outdoor pursuits activity books & early learning material Addiction & therapy Adoption Adoption & fostering Adult & contemporary romance Adult colouring & activity books Adult education, continuous learning Adult numeracy guides & handbooks Adventure Adventure fiction Adventure holidays Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage) Adventure Stories & Action Advertising Advertising & society Advice on careers & achieving success Advice on education Advice on parenting Aerospace & air transport industries Aerospace & aviation technology Afghan War African history Age 6-10 Age groups: adolescents Age groups: adults Age groups: children Age groups: the elderly Agnosticism & atheism Agricultural engineering & machinery Agricultural law Agricultural science Agriculture & farming Agriculture & related industries Aid & relief programmes Air forces & warfare Aircraft: general interest Alcoholic beverages Alexander technique Algebra Algorithms & data structures Allergies Allotments Alternative & renewable energy industries Alternative & renewable energy sources & technology Alternative belief systems Alternative history fiction Alternative lifestyles Alzheimer?s & dementia American / British style comic books & graphic novels American Civil War American War of Independence Amphibians Analytical & Jungian psychology Analytical chemistry Anarchism Anatomy Ancient Egyptian religion & mythology Ancient Greece Ancient Greek & Roman legends Ancient Greek religion & mythology Ancient history Ancient history: to c 500 CE Ancient philosophy Ancient religions & mythologies Ancient warfare Ancient, classical & medieval texts Anglican & Episcopalian Churches Anglican & Episcopalian Churches, Church of England Animal behaviour Animal breeding Animal ecology Animal husbandry Animal life stories Animal physiology Animal spectacles Animal stories (Children's / Teenage) Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc) Animals & society Animated films Annuals (Children's / Teenage) Anthologies (Children's / Teenage) Anthologies (non-poetry) Anthologies: general Anthropology Antique clocks, watches, musical boxes & automata Antiques & collectables Antiques & collectables: books, manuscripts, ephemera & printed matter Antiques & collectables: carpets, rugs & textiles Antiques & collectables: ceramics & glass Antiques & collectables: gold & silver (other than jewellery) Antiques & collectables: jewellery Antiques & collectables: pictures, prints & maps Antiques & collectables: toys, games & models Antiques & collectables: toys, games, dolls & models Apiculture (beekeeping) Applied ecology Applied linguistics for ELT Applied mathematics Applied physics Arachnids Arbitration, mediation & alternative dispute resolution Archaeological science, methodology & techniques Archaeological theory Archaeology Archaeology by period / region Archery Architectural structure & design Architecture Architecture: interior design Architecture: professional practice Architecture: public buildings Architecture: religious buildings Architecture: residential buildings, domestic buildings Armed conflict Arms negotiation & control Aromatherapy & essential oils Art & design styles: Abstract Expressionism Art & design styles: Art Deco Art & design styles: Art Nouveau Art & design styles: Arts & Crafts style Art & design styles: c 1900 to c 1960 Art & design styles: Conceptual art Art & design styles: Cubism Art & design styles: from c 1960 Art & design styles: Impressionism & Post-Impressionism Art & design styles: Modernist design & Bauhaus Art & design styles: Pop art Art & design styles: Postmodernism Art & design styles: Pre-Raphaelite art Art & design styles: Surrealism & Dada Art forms Art music, orchestral & formal music Art of indigenous peoples Art styles not defined by date Art techniques & principles Art treatments & subjects Art: general interest (Children's / Teenage) Artificial intelligence Asian history Aspects of religion Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem Astrology Astronautics Astronomical charts & atlases Astronomical observation: observatories Astronomical observation: observatories, equipment & methods Astronomy, space & time Astrophysics Athletics & gymnastics (Children's / Teenage) Atlantic Coast of Ireland Atlases & maps (Children?s/Teenage) Atmospheric physics Atomic & molecular physics Australasian & Pacific history Australia Austria Autism & Asperger?s Syndrome Autobiography: arts & entertainment Autobiography: business & industry Autobiography: general Autobiography: historical, political & military Autobiography: literary Autobiography: philosophy & social sciences Autobiography: religious & spiritual Autobiography: royalty Autobiography: science, technology & medicine Autobiography: sport Automotive (motor mechanic) skills Automotive technology & trades Aviation manufacturing industry Aviation skills / piloting Baby books Baking, bread & cakes Ball games Ball sports / ball games Ballet Banking Barbados Baroque music (c 1600 to c 1750) Battlefield archaeology Battles & campaigns Beers Behavioural economics Behavioural theory (Behaviourism) Beverages Bible readings, selections & meditations Bible studies: for individual or small group study Bibles Bibles & bible stories (Children's / Teenage) Biblical archaeology Biblical exegesis & hermeneutics Biblical studies & exegesis Bibliographic & subject control Bibliographies, catalogues Bilingual & multilingual dictionaries Bilingual/multilingual dictionaries (Children's / Teenage) Bilingualism & multilingualism Bio-ethics Biochemistry Biodiversity Biogeography Biographical fiction Biography & non-fiction prose Biography & True Stories Biography, literature & literary studies Biography: arts & entertainment Biography: business & industry Biography: general Biography: historical, political & military Biography: literary Biography: philosophy & social sciences Biography: religious & spiritual Biography: royalty Biography: science, technology & medicine Biography: sport Biology, life sciences Biomechanics, human kinetics Biomedical engineering Biophysics Biotechnology Birds (ornithology) Birds, including cage birds, as pets Birth control, contraception, family planning Birthing methods Black & Asian studies Blank stationery items Blasphemy, heresy, apostasy Blues Board games Board games: Chess Boatbuilding & maintenance Boating body Body art & tattooing Book & paper crafts Book design Books for very young children, children's picture books & activity books Botanical art Botany & plant sciences Boxing Bristol British & Irish history Buddhism Buddhist life & practice Buddhist worship, rites & ceremonies Budget cookery Building construction & materials Buildings & construction (Children's / Teenage) Bullying & anti-bullying strategies Buses, trams & commercial vehicles: general interest Business & management Business & the environment, ?Green? approaches to business Business communication & presentation Business competition Business ethics & social responsibility Business innovation Business mathematics & systems Business strategy Business studies: general C c 1870 to c 1879 c 1940 to c 1949 c 1950 to c 1959 c 1970 to c 1979 c 1980 to c 1989 c 2000 to c 2009 c 2010 to c 2019 c 2020 to c 2029 Cakes, baking, icing & sugarcraft Calculus Camping & woodcraft Canoeing & kayaking Car racing Caravan & camp-site guides Card games Cardiothoracic surgery Care & restoration of antiques Care of the elderly Care of the mentally ill Careers guidance Carpentry Cartography, map-making & projections Cartoons & comic strips Cartoons & comic strips (Children's / Teenage) Carving & modelling, moulding & casting Castles & fortifications Cats as pets Causes & prevention of crime Cellular biology (cytology) Celtic religion & mythology Central / national / federal government Central / national / federal government policies Central government Central government policies Central London Ceramic & glass: artworks Ceramic arts, pottery, glass Ceramics & glass technology Ceramics: artworks Ch Chakras, auras & spiritual energy Chamber ensembles Chaos theory Charities, voluntary services & philanthropy Chemical biology Chemistry Cheshire Chess Child Child & developmental psychology Child abuse Child care & upbringing Child care & upbringing: advice for parents Child welfare Child, developmental, and lifespan psychology Children Children?s & teenage book reviews & guides Children?s & teenage literature studies Children's Children's / Tee Children's / Teena Children's / Teenag Children's / Teenage fict Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Children's / Teenage fiction: Actio Children's / Teenage fiction: Action Children's / Teenage fiction: Action & adv Children's / Teenage fiction: Action & adventure stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Animal stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Biographical fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Cla Children's / Teenage fiction: Classic fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Crime & mystery fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Family & Children's / Teenage fiction: Family & home stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Fantasy & magical realism Children's / Teenage fiction: General f Children's / Teenage fiction: General fictio Children's / Teenage fiction: General fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Historical fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Horror & ghost stories, chillers Children's / Teenage fiction: Humorous stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Interactive adventure stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Military & war fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Religious fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Romance & relationships stories Children's / Teenage fiction: School stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Science fiction Children's / Teenage fiction: Short stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Sporting stories Children's / Teenage fiction: Steampunk Children's / Teenage fiction: Stories in verse Children's / Teenage fiction: Thrillers Children's / Teenage fiction: Traditional stories Children's / Teenage ge Children's / Teenage gener Children's / Teenage general interest: Adventurers & outlaws Children's / Teenage general interest: ancie Children's / Teenage general interest: ancient religions & mythologies Children's / Teenage general interest: Apes & monkeys Children's / Teenage general interest: Aquatic & marine mammals Children's / Teenage general interest: Art & artists Children's / Teenage general interest: Athletics & gymnastics Children's / Teenage general interest: Ball games & sports: American Football Children's / Teenage general interest: Ball games & sports: Football (Socc Children's / Teenage general interest: Bears Children's / Teenage general interest: Biography & autobiography Children's / Teenage general interest: Birds Children's / Teenage general interest: Boys & men Children's / Teenage general interest: Buildings & construction Children's / Teenage general interest: Cartoons & comic strips Children's / Teenage general interest: Cats Children's / Teenage general interest: City & town life Children's / Teenage general interest: Clothing & fashion Children's / Teenage general interest: Computer game guides Children's / Teenage general interest: Computing & Information Technology Children's / Teenage general interest: Cooking & food Children's / Teenage general interest: Cycling, boarding & skating Children's / Teenage general interest: Dance, ballet Children's / Teenage general interest: Dinosaurs & prehistoric world Children's / Teenage general interest: Discovery & explo Children's / Teenage general interest: Discovery & exploration Children's / Teenage general interest: Dogs & wolves Children's / Teenage general interest: Drama & performing Children's / Teenage general interest: Ecosystems Children's / Teenage general interest: Farm animals Children's / Teenage general interest: Fish & marine life Children's / Teenage general interest: Gardening Children's / Teenage general interest: General knowledge Children's / Teenage general interest: General knowledge & trivia Children's / Teenage general interest: Girls & women Children's / Teenage general interest: Handicrafts Children's / Teenage general interest: Hinduism Children's / Teenage general interest: History & the past Children's / Teenage general interest: Hobbies, quizzes & games Children's / Teenage general interest: Humour & jokes Children's / Teenage general interest: Large land mammals Children's / Teenage general interest: Libraries, museums, schools Children's / Teenage general interest: Literature, books & writers Children's / Teenage general interest: Lives of children in the past Children's / Teenage general interest: Machines & how things work Children's / Teenage general interest: Mammals Children's / Teenage general interest: Money Children's / Teenage general interest: Music Children's / Teenage general interest: Mysteries & the une Children's / Teenage general interest: Mysteries & the unexplained Children's / Teenage general interest: Nature & animals Children's / Teenage general interest: People & places Children's / Teenage general interest: Pets & pet care Children's / Teenage general interest: Pets & pet care: cats Children's / Teenage general interest: Pets & pet care: dogs Children's / Teenage general interest: Pets & pet care: horses & ponies Children's / Teenage general interest: Plants & trees Children's / Teenage general interest: Playscripts Children's / Teenage general interest: Politics Children's / Teenage general interest: Ponies & horses Children's / Teenage general interest: Practical interests Children's / Teenage general interest: Puzzle books Children's / Teenage general interest: Religion & beliefs Children's / Teenage general interest: Reptiles & amphibians Children's / Teenage general interest: Rodents & rabbits Children's / Teenage general interest: Royalty Children's / Teenage general interest: Rural & farm lif Children's / Teenage general interest: Rural & farm life Children's / Teenage general interest: Science & technol Children's / Teenage general interest: Science & technology: general int Children's / Teenage general interest: Science & technology: general interes Children's / Teenage general interest: Science: the human body Children's / Teenage general interest: Small land mammals Children's / Teenage general interest: Space, stars & the solar system Children's / Teenage general interest: Sports & outdoor recreation Children's / Teenage general interest: Sports teams & clubs Children's / Teenage general interest: T Children's / Teenage general interest: Television & film Children's / Teenage general interest: Transport & vehicles Children's / Teenage general interest: UFOs & extraterrestrial beings Children's / Teenage general interest: Warfare, battles, armed forces Children's / Teenage general interest: Wildlife & habitats Children's / Teenage general interest: Wildlife & habitats: Jungles & tropical forests Children's / Teenage general interest: Wildlife & habitats: Oceans & seas Children's / Teenage general interest: Winter sports Children's / Teenage general interest: Witches & ghosts Children's / Teenage general interest: Work & industry / world of work Children's / Teenage general non-fiction: Christianity Children's / Teenage perso Children's / Teenage personal Children's / Teenage personal & so Children's / Teenage personal & social Children's / Teenage personal & social i Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Body & health Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Bullying, violence, abuse & Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: death & bereavement Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Disability & special needs Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: divorce, separation, Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: divorce, separation, family Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Emotions Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Family issues Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Friends & friendship issues Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: living with disease & long-term conditions Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: personal safety Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Racism & multiculturalism Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Relationships (non-family) Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: runaways Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Self-awareness & self-esteem Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Sexuality & Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Sexuality & re Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Sexuality & relationships Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: teenage pregnancy Children's / Teenage personal & social issues: Truancy & school problems Children's / Teenage poetry, anthologies, annuals Children's / Teenage reference material Children's / Teenage reference: Atlases & maps Children's / Teenage reference: Bilingual / multilingual dictionaries Children's / Teenage reference: Dictionaries, school dictionaries Children's / Teenage reference: Encyclopaedias, general reference Children's / Teenage reference: Picture dictionaries Children's / Teenage reference: Subject-specific reference Children's / Teenage social issues: Environment & green Children's / Teenage social issues: Environment & green issues Children's / Teenage social issues: Migration & refugees Children's / Teenage social issues: Religious issues Children's / Teenage social issues: War & conflict issues Children's / Teenage stationery & miscellaneous items Children's / Teenage: Children's / Teenage: Annuals Children's / Teenage: Anthologies Children's / Teenage: general interest Children's / Teenage: general non-fiction Children's / Teenage: Personal & social issues Children's / Teenage: Poetry Children's / Teenage: Social issues Children's / Teenage: True stories told as fiction Children's & teenage literature studies: general Children's activity books: hidden object Children's gift books Children's health Children's interactive & activity books & packs Children's picture books Children's, Teenage & educational chillers (Children's / Teenage) Choral music Christian aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships Christian Churches & denominations Christian Churches, denominations, groups Christian communities & monasticism Christian hymnals Christian institutions & organizations Christian leaders & leadership Christian life & practice Christian liturgy, prayerbooks & hymnals Christian mysticism Christian prayer Christian spirituality & religious experience Christian theology Christian worship, rites & ceremonies Christianity Christianity: sacred texts Christmas Church history Cinema, TV & Radio industries Circus City & town planning - architectural aspects Civics & citizenship Civil engineering, surveying & building Civil rights & citizenship Civil wars Clairvoyance & precognition Classic & pre-20th century plays Classic & pre-20th century poetry Classic crime Classic crime fiction Classic fiction Classic fiction (Children's / Teenage) Classic fiction (pre c 1945) Classic horror & ghost stories Classic science fiction Classic travel writing classical & medieval Classical Greek & Roman archaeology Classical history / classical civilisation Classical mechanics Classical music (c 1750 to c 1830) Classical texts Climate change Climbing & mountaineering Clinical psychology Clocks, chronometers & watches (horology) Co Coding theory & cryptology Cognition & cognitive psychology Cognitive & behavioural neuroscience Cognitive behavioural therapy Cognitive science Cognitivism, cognitive theory Collage & photomontage Collected biographies Colonialism & imperialism Colouring & painting activity books Colouring books Combat / defence skills & manuals Combat sports & self-defence Combinatorics & graph theory Comic (humorous) crime & mystery Comic (humorous) fantasy Comic book & cartoon art Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's / Teenage) Communication studies Communications engineering / telecommunications Comparative Literature Comparative politics Comparative religion Complementary medicine Complementary therapies, healing & health Composers & songwriters Computer applications in the arts & humanities Computer architecture & logic design Computer fraud & hacking Computer game guides (Children's / Teenage) Computer games / online games: strategy guides Computer games design Computer hardware Computer modelling & simulation Computer programming / software development Computer programming / software engineering Computer science Computer security Computing & information technology Condensed matter physics (liquid state & solid state physics) Conjuring & magic Conscious & unconscious Conservation of buildings & building materials Conservation of the environment Conservation of wildlife & habitats Conservation, restoration & care of artworks Conservatism & right-of-centre democratic ideologies Conspiracy theories Constitution: government & the state Consumerism Container gardening Contemporary horror Contemporary lifestyle fiction Contract law Cookery / food & drink etc Cookery by ingredient Cookery dishes & courses Cookery dishes & courses: Desserts Cookery dishes & courses: Main courses Cookery dishes & courses: Salads & vegetables Cookery dishes & courses: Soups & starters Cookery for specific diets & conditions Cookery: Preserving & freezing Cooking & food (Children's / Teenage) Cooking for one Cooking for parties Cooking for/with children Cooking with chicken & other poultry Cooking with chocolate Cooking with dairy products Cooking with fish & seafood Cooking with fruit & vegetables Cooking with herbs & spices Cooking with meat & game Cooking with pasta Cooking with specific gadgets Coping with abuse Coping with ageing Coping with anxiety & phobias Coping with death & bereavement Coping with disability Coping with drug & alcohol problems Coping with eating disorders Coping with illness & specific conditions Coping with old age Coping with personal problems Coping with stress Coping with suicide Coral reefs Corporate crime Corporate finance Corporate tax Corruption Corruption in society Cosmetics, hair & beauty Cosmology & the universe Counselling & advice services country life: general interest Creative therapy (eg art, music, drama) Creative writing & creative writing guides Cricket Cricket (Children's / Teenage) Crime & criminology Crime & mystery Crime & mystery fiction Crime & mystery fiction (Children's / Teenage) Crime & mystery: cosy mystery Crime & mystery: police procedural Crime & mystery: women sleuths Crime/Thriller Crimean War Criminal investigation & detection Criminal justice law Criminal law & procedure Criminal law: offences against property Criminal law: procedure & offences Criminal or forensic psychology Criminal procedure: law of evidence Criminology: legal aspects Crosswords Crusades Crystals & colour-healing Cultural studies Cultural studies: customs & traditions Cultural studies: fashion & society Cultural studies: food & society Curriculum planning & development Cybernetics & systems theory Cycle racing Cycling Cycling, boarding & skating (Children's / Teenage) Cycling: general & touring Dairy farming Dance Dance & other performing arts Dance, ballet (Children's / Teenage) Data analysis: general Data mining Databases Dating Dating, relationships, living together & marriage Dating, relationships, living together & marriage: advice Decision theory: general Deconstructionism, Structuralism, Post-structuralism Decorative arts Decorative finishes & surfaces Decorative wood & metalwork Decorative woodwork Defence strategy, planning & research Deforestation Deltas, estuaries, coastal regions Demonstrations & protest movements Desserts Development economics & emerging economies Development studies Developmental biology Devotional material Dialect, slang & jargon Diaries, letters & journals Dictionaries Dictionaries of quotations Dictionaries, school dictionaries (Children's / Teenage) Dietetics & nutrition Diets & dieting Digital animation Digital lifestyle Digital music: professional Digital photography: consumer/user guides Dinosaurs & prehistoric world (Children's / Teenage) Dinosaurs & the prehistoric world Diplomacy Disability: social aspects Discographies & buyer's guides Diseases & disorders Dissection Distributed databases Distribution & logistics management Distribution & warehousing management DIY: carpentry & woodworking DIY: general DIY: house maintenance manuals DNA & Genome Doctor/patient relationship Documentary films Dog obedience & training Dogs as pets Domestic animals & pets Domestic violence Drama & performing (Children's / Teenage) Drawing & drawings Dreams & their interpretation Drought & water supply Drug & substance abuse: social aspects Drug abuse in sport Drug-induced states Drugs trade / drug trafficking Dystopian & utopian fiction E-commerce: business aspects Early 16th century c 1500 to c 1550 Early 20th century c 1900 to c 1950 Early 21st century c 2000 to c 2050 Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500 Early learning / early learning concepts Early learning: ABC books / alphabet books Early learning: colours Early learning: first experiences Early learning: first word books Early learning: numbers & counting Early learning: opposites Early learning: people who help us Early learning: rhyming & wordplay books Early learning: size, shapes & patterns Early learning: the senses Early learning: things that go Early learning: time & seasons Early learning: verse & rhymes Early man Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700 Early modern warfare (including gunpowder warfare) Early years / early learning concepts Early years: colours Early years: daily routine Early years: first experiences Early years: letters & words Early years: nature & animals Early years: numbers & counting Early years: opposites Early years: people who help us Early years: size, shapes & patterns Early years: the senses Early years: things that go Early years: time & seasons Early years: verse Early years: verse, rhymes & wordplay Earth sciences Earth sciences, geography, environment, planning East Asian & Indian philosophy Eating disorders & therapy Eclectic & esoteric religions & belief systems Eco-tourist guides Ecological science, the Biosphere Economic & financial crises & disasters Economic forecasting Economic geography Economic geology Economic history Economic statistics Economic systems & structures Economic theory & philosophy Economics Economics, finance, business & management Education Education: care & counselling of students Educational equipment & technology, computer-aided learning (CAL) Educational material Educational psychology Educational strategies & policy Educational strategies & policy: Inclusion Educational systems & structures Educational: Art & design Educational: Biology Educational: Business studies & economics Educational: Chemistry Educational: Citizenship & social education Educational: Design & technology Educational: Drama & performance arts Educational: drama studies Educational: English language & literacy Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes: Synthetic Phonics Educational: English language: reading & writing skills Educational: English language: reading skills: Synthetic Phonics Educational: English literature Educational: first/native language: handwriting skills Educational: first/native language: literature studies Educational: first/native language: readers & reading schemes Educational: first/native language: reading & writing skills Educational: first/native language: school editions of literature texts Educational: first/native language: speaking skills Educational: Food technology Educational: General studies / study skills general Educational: Geography Educational: History Educational: IT & computing Educational: IT & computing, ICT Educational: Languages other than English Educational: literature in languages other than English Educational: Mathematics & numeracy Educational: Mathematics & numeracy: times tables Educational: modern (non-native) languages: language learning Educational: modern (non-native) languages: literature studies Educational: Music Educational: Personal, social & health education (PSHE) Educational: Physics Educational: Politics & constitution Educational: Religious studies Educational: Religious studies: Buddhism Educational: Religious studies: Christianity Educational: Religious studies: Hinduism Educational: Religious studies: Islam Educational: Religious studies: Non-Christian religions Educational: school assembly resource material Educational: Sciences, general science Educational: Social sciences Educational: Social sciences, social studies Educational: study & revision guides Educational: Technology Educational: Vocational subjects Educational: writing skills: handwriting Egyptian archaeology / Egyptology Elections & referenda Electric motors Electricity, electromagnetism & magnetism Electronic music ELT examination practice tests ELT graded readers ELT non-fiction & background readers ELT self-study texts ELT: English for specific purposes ELT: learning material & coursework ELT: listening skills ELT: reading skills ELT: teaching theory & methods Embroidery crafts Embryology Employment & unemployment Encyclopaedias (Children's / Teenage) Encyclopaedias & reference works Endangered species & extinction of species Endocrinology Energy Energy efficiency Energy industries & utilities Energy resources Energy technology & engineering Engineering graphics & technical drawing Engineering: general English Entrepreneurship Environmental archaeology Environmental economics Environmental factors Environmental management Environmental medicine Environmental monitoring Environmental policy & protocols Environmental science, engineering & technology Environmentalist thought & ideology Environmentalist, conservationist & Green organizations Environmentally-friendly ('green') architecture & design Environmentally-friendly architecture & design Epic fantasy Epidemiology & medical statistics Equestrian & animal sports Equine veterinary medicine equipment & methods Erotic art Erotic fiction Esoteric thriller Espionage & secret services Espionage & spy thriller Ethical & social aspects of IT Ethical issues & debates Ethical issues: abortion & birth control Ethical issues: capital punishment Ethical issues: censorship Ethical issues: pornography & obscenity Ethical issues: prostitution & sex industry Ethical issues: scientific & technological developments Ethical issues: scientific, technological & medical developments Ethics & moral philosophy Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies Ethnic studies EU & European institutions European comic books: general, classic, all ages European history European history: Reformation European history: Renaissance European history: the Celts European history: the Normans European history: the Romans European history: the Vikings European tradition graphic novels Evolution Examinations & assessment Exercise & workout books Exhibition catalogues & specific collections Expeditions Expeditions: popular accounts Extra-curricular activities Extreme sports Family & health Family & home stories (Children's / Teenage) Family & relationships Family & relationships: advice & issues family history & nostalgia Family history, tracing ancestors Family law Family law: children Family law: cohabitation Family law: marriage & divorce Family law: same-sex partnership Family life fiction Family psychology Fantasy Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage) Fantasy romance Fantasy romance (Teenage) Fantasy romance, dark romance Farm & working animals Farm & working animals: general interest Farm animals (Children's / Teenage) Fascism & Nazism Fashion & beauty industries Fashion & society Fashion & style guides Fashion & textiles Fashion & textiles: design Fashion design & theory Father's Day Feminism & feminist theory Feng Shui Fiction & related items Fiction companions Fiction in translation Fiction: general & literary Fiction: mashup Fiction: narrative themes Fiction: pastiche Fiction: special features Field sports: fishing, hunting, shooting Figure skating Film guides & reviews Film history, theory & criticism Film production: technical & background skills Film scripts & screenplays Film theory & criticism Film, TV & radio Film: styles & genres Films, cinema Finance Finance & accounting Financial accounting Fine arts: art forms Fine arts: treatments & subjects First aid & paramedical services First aid for the home First World War First World War fiction Fisheries & related industries Fishes (ichthyology) Fishes & aquaria Fishing, angling Fitness & diet Flags, emblems, symbols, logos Flower arranging & floral crafts Folk & traditional music Folklore Folklore, myths & legends Food Food & beverage technology Food & drink: Alcoholic beverages Food & drink: Beers Food & drink: Beverages Food & drink: Non-alcoholic beverages Food & drink: Spirits & cocktails Food & drink: Wines Food & society Food manufacturing & related industries Food security & supply Football (Soccer, Association football) Football / soccer (Children's / Teenage) Football variants & related games For National Curriculum Key Stage 2 For National Curriculum Key Stage 3 For reluctant readers (children) Forensic medicine Forensic science Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques Forests & woodland Forests, rainforests Forgery, falsification & theft of artworks Formula 1 & Grand Prix Fortune-telling & divination Fraud Freedom of information & freedom of speech Freemasonry & secret societies French Revolution Freshwater life Functional programming Furniture design Galaxies & stars Gambling: theories & methods Game theory Garden design & planning Gardening Gardening (Children's / Teenage) Gardening with native plants Gardening: flowers Gardening: growing fruit & vegetables Gardening: herbs Gardening: plants Gardening: plants & cultivation: guides Gardening: shrubs & trees Gardens (descriptions Gardens (descriptions, history etc) Gastroenterology Gay Gay & Lesbian studies Gay studies (Gay men) Gender & the law Gender studies, gender groups Gender studies: men Gender studies: men & boys Gender studies: transsexuals & hermaphroditism Gender studies: women Gender studies: women & girls Gender violence Genealogy, heraldry, names & honours General & world history General cookery & recipes General encyclopaedias General fiction (Children's / Teenage) General knowledge & trivia (Children's / Teenage) General practice General studies General surgery Generational sagas Genetic engineering Genetics (non-medical) Geneva Genocide & ethnic cleansing Geochemistry Geographical discovery & exploration Geographical information systems (GIS) & remote sensing Geographical maps (specialist) Geographical reference Geography Geological surface processes (geomorphology) Geology & the lithosphere Geometry Geophysics Geopolitics Geriatric medicine Ghosts & poltergeists Gift books Globalization Golf Gothic Government powers Graffiti & street art Grammar & vocabulary Grammar, syntax & morphology Graphi Graphic design Graphic novel / Comic book: action & adventure Graphic novel / Comic book: horror Graphic novel / Comic book: humorous Graphic novel / Comic book: literary adaptations Graphic novel / Comic book: romance Graphic novel / Comic book: science fiction Graphic novel / Comic book: super-her Graphic novel / Comic book: super-heroes & super-villains Graphic novel & Comic book: genres Graphic novel & Comic book: types Graphic novel & Manga artwork Graphic novels Graphic novels: history & criticism Graphic novels: literary & memoirs Graphic novels: Manga Graphic novels: superheroes & super-villains Graphic novels: true stories & non-fiction Graphical & digital media applications Grasslands, heaths, prairies, tundra Gravity Greece Green lifestyle & self-sufficiency Greenhouses, conservatories, patios grief Guitar Gulf War Gymnastics Gynaecology & obstetrics Haematology Hallowe'en Handicrafts (Children's / Teenage) Handicrafts, decorative arts & crafts healing & health Health & personal development Health & wholefood cookery Health economics Health psychology Health systems & services Health, relationships & personal development Heavy Metal music Higher & further education, tertiary education hiking Hindu sacred texts Hinduism Hispanic & Latino studies Historical Historical & comparative linguistics Historical adventure Historical adventure fiction Historical fantasy Historical fiction Historical fiction (Children's / Teenage) Historical geography Historical geology Historical maps & atlases Historical mysteries Historical romance Historiography History History & the past: general interest (Children's / Teenage) history etc) History of architecture History of Art History of art / art & design styles History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600 History of art & design styles: c 1600 to c 1800 History of art & design styles: c 1800 to c 1900 History of art & design styles: from c 1900 - History of art: ancient & classical art,BCE to c 500 CE History of art: Byzantine & Medieval art c 500 CE to c 1400 History of education History of engineering & technology History of fashion History of ideas History of mathematics History of medicine History of music History of other lands History of philosophy, philosophical traditions History of religion History of science History of specific companies / corporate history History of sport History of the Americas History of Western philosophy History: earliest times to present day History: specific events & topics History: theory & methods HIV / AIDS: social aspects Hoaxes & deceptions Hobbies Hobbies, quizzes & games Hobbies, quizzes & games (Children's / Teenage) Home & house maintenance Home nursing & caring Home renovation & extension Home schooling Horror & ghost stories Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's / Teenage) Horror & supernatural fiction Horse racing Horses & ponies Horticulture Hospitality industry Hotel & catering trades Hotel & holiday accommodation guides House plants Household hints Houses, apartments, flats, etc Housing & homelessness Housing & property for the individual - buying/selling & legal aspects Housing law Human biology Human figures depicted in art Human geography Human growth & development Human rights Human rights & civil liberties Human rights & civil liberties law Human rights, civil rights Human-computer interaction Humanist & secular alternatives to religion Humanistic psychology Humanities Humorous fiction Humorous stories (Children's / Teenage) Humour Humour & jokes (Children's / Teenage) Humour collections & anthologies Hunting or shooting animals & game Hydrobiology Hydrology & the hydrosphere Ice hockey Ice-skating ICT Illinois Illness & addiction: social aspects Illustration Illustration & commercial art Imaging systems & technology Immunology Impact of science & technology on society Independent schools, private education India Indigenous peoples Individual actors & performers Individual architects & architectural firms Individual artists, art monographs Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups Individual designers Individual film directors, film-makers Individual photographers Indoor games Industrial / commercial art & design Industrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies Industrial relations, health & safety Industrialisation & industrial history Infertility & fertilization Information architecture Information retrieval Information technology industries Information technology: general issues Information theory Information visualization Inorganic chemistry Insects (entomology) Insects & spiders as pets Institutions & learned societies: general Intelligence & reasoning Intended specifically for women and/or girls Interactive & activity books & packs Interdisciplinary studies Interest age: from c 10 years Interest age: from c 12 years Interest age: from c 13 years Interest age: from c 14 years Interest age: from c 4 years Interest age: from c 5 years Interest age: from c 8 years Interest age: from c 9 years Interfaith relations Intergenerational relationships Intergenerational relationships: advice & issues Interior design, decor & style guides International business International economics International finance International human rights law International institutions International law International law of territory & statehood International law, transport: space & aerospace law International relations International space & aerospace law International trade Internet & WWW industries Internet gambling Internet guides & online services Internet searching Internet: general works Invasion & occupation Inventions & inventors Investment & securities Investment treaties & disputes Iraq War Ireland Irregular or guerrilla forces & warfare Islam Islamic & Arabic philosophy Islamic life & practice Islamic sacred texts Islamic studies Islamic theology Islamic worship, rites & ceremonies IT, Internet & electronic resources in libraries Italy Japan Jazz Jewellery & beadcraft Jewish studies Jigsaw books Jokes & riddles Journalistic style guides Judaism Judaism: life & practice Judaism: sacred texts Jurisprudence & general issues Jurisprudence & philosophy of law Juvenile criminal law Juvenile offenders Kent Keyboard instruments Knitting & crochet Knowledge management Korean War Labour economics Land forces & warfare Land rights Landscape archaeology Landscape art & architecture Landscape gardening Language Language & linguistics Language acquisition Language learning: audio-visual & multimedia Language learning: grammar, vocabulary & pronunciation Language learning: reading skills Language learning: specific skills Language phrasebooks Language readers Language self-study texts Language teaching & learning Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) Language teaching & learning material & coursework Language: history & general works Language: reference & general Later 18th century c 1750 to c 1799 Later 20th century c 1950 to c 1999 Law Law & society Law as it applies to other professions Law, citizenship & rights for the lay person Law: study & revision guides Law: wills, probate, succession Laws of Specific jurisdictions Learning Legal ethics & professional conduct Legal history Legal profession: general Legal skills & practice Legal system: general Legal systems: courts & procedure Lesbian Lesbian studies Lexicography Liberalism & centre democratic ideologies Libraries, museums, schools (Children's / Teenage) Library & information services Library, archive & information management Libya Life sciences: general issues Lifestyle & personal style guides Lifestyle, hobbies & leisure Lifestyle, sport & leisure Limnology (freshwater) linguistics Listening skills Literacy Literacy strategies Literary companions, book reviews & guides Literary essays Literary reference works Literary studies: ancient Literary studies: ancient, classical & medieval Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800 Literary studies: c 1600 to c 1800 Literary studies: c 1800 to c 1900 Literary studies: c 1900 to c 2000 Literary studies: classical, early & medieval Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers Literary studies: from c 1900 - Literary studies: from c 2000 Literary studies: general Literary studies: plays & playwrights Literary studies: poetry & poets Literary studies: post-colonial literature Literary theory Literature & literary studies Literature, books & writers (Children?s/Teenage) Literature: history & criticism Living & working abroad Living & working in other countries: practical advice living together & marriage Local & family history, nostalgia Local history Local interest Local interest, family history & nostalgia London, Greater London loss" Machine learning Magic, alchemy & hermetic thought Magic, spells & alchemy Magical realism Magnet books Main courses Maine Malta Man-made objects depicted in art (cityscapes, machines, etc) Management & management techniques Management decision making Management: leadership & motivation Manga & Asian style comics Manhattan Manufacturing industries Marathon & cross-country running Marine & freshwater mammals Marine biology Marine engineering Maritime / nautical trades Maritime history Marxism & Communism Material culture Materials science Mathematical foundations Mathematical logic Mathematical modelling Mathematical physics Mathematics Mathematics & science Maths for computer scientists Maths for scientists Maturation & ageing Mayo Mechanical engineering Mechanics of solids Media studies Media, information & communication industries Medical administration & management Medical charts, colour atlases Medical ethics & professional conduct Medical genetics Medical microbiology & virology Medical profession Medical research Medical sociology Medical toxicology Medicine Medicine: general issues Medieval & Renaissance music (c 1000 to c 1600) Medieval European archaeology Medieval history Medieval philosophy Memoirs Memorials & rolls of honour Memorials, monuments Memory Memory improvement & thinking techniques Men's health Mensuration & systems of measurement Mental health law Mental health services Meteorology & climatology Microbiology (non-medical) Microeconomics Middle & Near Eastern archaeology Middle Eastern history Midwifery Migration, immigration & emigration Militaria, arms & armour Military & defence law Military & defence law & civilian service law Military & defence strategy Military & naval ships Military administration Military aircraft Military engineering Military history Military history: post WW2 conflicts Military intelligence Military life & institutions Military tactics Military vehicles Mind Mind, Body, Spirit Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice Mindfulness Mining industry Miscellaneous items Mobile phone technology Model railways Modern & contemporary fiction Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945) Modern & contemporary poetry (c 1900 onwards) Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 Modern philosophy: since c 1800 Modern warfare Molecular biology Molluscs Monetary economics Money (Children's / Teenage) Monopolies Monsters & legendary beings Moral & social purpose of education Mosaics: artworks Motor / power boating & cruising Motor cars: general interest Motor sports Motorcycles: general interest Mountains Multicultural education Multidiscipline sports Museology & heritage studies Museum, historic sites, gallery & art guides Music Music industry Music recording & reproduction Music reviews & criticism Music: general interest (Children's / Teenage) Music: styles & genres Musical instruments Musical instruments & instrumental ensembles Musical scores, lyrics & libretti Musicals Musicians, singers, bands & groups Mycology, fungi (non-medical) Mysteries, the supernatural, monsters & mythological beings (Children?s/Teenage) Mysticism Mysticism, magic & occult interests Mysticism, magic & ritual Myth & legend told as fiction myths & legends Nanotechnology Napoleonic Wars Narrative t Narrative the Narrative theme: Coming of age Narrative theme: Environmental issues Narrative theme: Interior life Narrative theme: Politics Narrative theme: Sense of place Narrative theme: Social issues Narrowboats & canals National & regional cuisine National liberation & independence, post-colonialism National parks & nature reserves: general interest Nationalism Natural & wild gardening Natural disasters Natural history Natural history (Children?s/Teenage) Natural language & machine translation Nature & existence of God Nature & the natural world: general interest Nature Conservation law Naval forces & warfare Navigation & seamanship Needlework & fabric crafts Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neurology & clinical neurophysiology Neurosciences Neurosurgery New York City News media & journalism Non-alcoholic beverages Non-graphic art forms Non-teaching & support staff Non-Western music: traditional & Non-Western philosophy Norse religion & mythology North & North East England North Africa Northern Scotland, Highlands & Islands Nostalgia: general Nottingham Nottinghamshire Novelty Novelty, toy & die-cut books Nuclear issues Nuclear medicine Nuclear physics Nuclear power & engineering Nuclear weapons Number systems Numerology Nurse/patient relationship Nursing Nursing fundamentals & skills Nursing management & leadership Nursing research & theory Nursing sociology Nursing specialties Occult fiction Occult studies Occupational & industrial psychology Occupational medicine Oceanography (seas) Offences against property Offences against the person Offenders Office & workplace Office management Office systems & equipment Oils Old Testaments Olympic & Paralympic games Oncology Open learning, home learning, distance education Opera Operational research Oral history Orchestras Oregon Organic chemistry Organic farming Organic gardening Organization & management of education Organizational theory & behaviour Organized crime Oriental & Indian philosophy Oriental art Oriental martial arts Orienteering Origami & paper engineering Orthodox & Oriental Churches Other graphic art forms other insects & spiders Other manufacturing technologies Other non-Christian religions Other Nonconformist & Evangelical Churches Other performing arts Other warfare & defence issues Other World religions Outdoor survival skills Pageants, parades, festivals Pain & pain management Painting & art manuals Painting & paintings Paintings & painting in watercolours Pakistan Palaces, chateaux, country houses Palaeography (history of writing) Palaeontology Palliative medicine Parenting: advice & issues Paris Parliamentary & legislative practice Parodies & spoofs Parodies & spoofs: non-fiction Particle & high-energy physics Parties, etiquette & entertaining Pasta dishes Pathology Pattern recognition Peace studies & conflict resolution Peacekeeping operations Penology & punishment People & places (Children's / Teenage) Perception Performance art Performing arts Performing arts: comedy Personal & public health Personal & social issues (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: bullying, violence & abuse (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: careers guidance (Teenage) Personal & social issues: death & bereavement (C Personal & social issues: death & bereavement (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: disability & special needs (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: divorce, separation, family break-up (Children's / Tee Personal & social issues: drugs & addiction (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: family issues (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: racism & multiculturalism (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: sex education & the facts of life (Children's / Teenag Personal & social issues: sexuality & relati Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Childr Personal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: siblings (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: teenage pregnancy (Children's / Teenage) Personal & social issues: truancy & school problems (Children's / Teenage) Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works Personal finance Personal religious testimony & popular inspirational works Personal safety Personal tax Personnel & human resources management Pes Petrology Pets (Children's / Teenage) Pharmaceutical industries Phenomenology & Existentialism Philosophy Philosophy & theory of education Philosophy of language Philosophy of mathematics Philosophy of mind Philosophy of religion Philosophy of science Philosophy: aesthetics Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge Philosophy: logic Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology Phonetics, phonology Photo & image editing Photographic equipment & techniques Photographic reportage Photographs: collections Photographs: portraits Photography & photographs Photography: specific techniques Photojournalism Physical anthropology Physical chemistry Physical geography & topography Physics Physiological & neuro-psychology, biopsychology Physiology Physiotherapy Picture books Picture books, activity books & early learning material Picture books: character books Picture dictionaries (Children's / Teenage) Picture storybooks Picture storybooks: Bedtime stories & dreams Picture storybooks: Imagination & play Pigments, dyestuffs & paint technology Place names & gazetteers Places & peoples: general & pictorial works Places in old photographs Plant biology Plant ecology Plant physiology Plastic & reconstructive surgery Plays Plays, playscripts playscripts Playscripts (Children's / Teenage) Poetry Poetry (Children's / Teenage) Poetry anthologies (various poets) Poetry by individual poets Police & security services Police law & police procedures Political / legal thriller Political activism Political assassinations Political campaigning & advertising Political control & freedoms Political corruption Political economy Political geography Political ideologies Political leaders & leadership Political manifestos Political oppression & persecution Political parties Political science & theory Political structure & processes Political structures: democracy Political structures: totalitarianism & dictatorship Political subversion Politics & government Pollution & threats to the environment Pollution control Pop music (Children's / Teenage) Pop-up & lift-the-flap books Popular astronomy & space Popular beliefs & controversial knowledge Popular culture Popular economics Popular mathematics Popular medicine & health Popular music Popular music, easy listening Popular philosophy Popular psychology Popular science Population & demography Population & migration geography Portraits in art Positive psychology Poster art Postmodernism Postwar 20th century history, from c 1945 to c 2000 Pottery, ceramics & glass crafts Poultry farming Poverty & unemployment Power generation & distribution Practical interests (Children's / Teenage) Prayer Prayers & liturgical material Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences Pre-school & kindergarten Precious metal, precious stones & jewellery: artworks & design Pregnancy, birth & baby care Prehistoric archaeology Preserving & freezing Press & journalism Press out & kit books Pressure groups & lobbying Primary & middle schools Primary sources of law Primates Printing & reprographic technology Printing, packaging & reprographic industry Prints & printmaking Prison law Prisoners of war Prisons Privacy & data protection Private international law & conflict of laws Privatization Probability & statistics Product design Production & quality control management Professional interior design Project management Propaganda Prose: non-fiction Psychiatric nursing Psychiatry Psychic powers & psychic phenomena Psychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology) Psycholinguistics Psychological methodology Psychological testing & measurement Psychological theory & schools of thought Psychological thriller Psychology Psychology of ageing Psychology of gender Psychology: emotions Psychology: sexual behaviour Psychology: states of consciousness Psychology: the self, ego, identity, personality Psychopharmacology Psychotherapy Psychotherapy: general Public administration Public buildings: civic, commercial, industrial, etc Public health & preventive medicine Public health & safety law Public international law: humanitarian law Public libraries Public ownership / nationalization Public relations Public safety issues Public speaking guides Publishing & book trade Publishing industry & book trade Publishing industry & book trade, the press and journalism Pulp & paper technology Purchasing & supply management Puzzle books (Children's / Teenage) Puzzles & quizzes Quakers (Religious Society of Friends) Quantum & theoretical chemistry Quantum physics (quantum mechanics & quantum field theory) Quick & easy cooking Quiltmaking, patchwork & applique quizzes & games Rabbits & rodents as pets Racket games Radar Radio Radio & television industry Radio scripts Radiology Railway technology, engineering & trades Railway transport industries Reading skills Reference material (Children's / Teenage) Reference works Reference works (Children's / Teenage) Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects Refugees & political asylum Reggae Regional / local / state government Regional & national history Regional geography Regional government Regional studies Rehabilitation: brain & spinal injuries Relating to African American people Relating to Asian American people Relating to Black British people Relating to LGBTQ+ people Relating to Trans / Transgender people or gender minorities relationships Relativity physics Religion & beliefs Religion & beliefs: general interest (Children's / Teenage) Religion & politics Religion & science Religion: general Religious & spiritual fiction Religious & spiritual figures Religious & spiritual leaders Religious & theocratic ideologies Religious art Religious aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships Religious buildings Religious communities & monasticism Religious ethics Religious groups: social & cultural aspects Religious intolerance, persecution & conflict Religious issues & debates Religious life & practice Religious ministry Religious subjects depicted in art Renaissance art Reportage & collected journalism Reproductive medicine Reptiles Reptiles & amphibians as pets Research & development management Research & information: general Research methods: general Residential buildings, domestic buildings Respiratory medicine Restaurant, cafe & pub guides Restitution Retirement Revolutionary groups & movements Revolutions, uprisings, rebellions rhymes & wordplay Risk assessment Road & motor vehicles: general interest Road atlases & maps Robotics Rock & Pop music Rocks, minerals & fossils Rocks, minerals & fossils: general interest Role-playing, war games & fantasy sports Rollerblading, skateboarding, etc Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church Roman religion & mythology Romance Romance & relationships stories (Children's / Teenage) Romantic music (c 1830 to c 1900) Romantic suspense Ropework, knots & macrame Rugby (Children's / Teenage) Rugby football Rugby League Rugby Union Running & jogging Rural communities Rural crafts Rural planning Russian Revolution Sacred & religious music Sacred texts Sagas Sailing Sales & marketing Sales & marketing management Satanism & demonology Satirical fiction & parodies Scanning systems & technology School editions of English literature fiction texts School editions of Shakespeare School stories (Children's / Teenage) Schools Science & technology: general interest (Children's / Teenage) Science fiction Science fiction (Children's / Teenage) Science fiction: aliens / UFOs Science fiction: apocalyptic & post-apocalyptic Science fiction: near-future Science fiction: Space opera Science fiction: Steampunk Science fiction: time travel Science: general issues Scientific equipment, experiments & techniques Scientific nomenclature & classification Scrapbook keeping Screenwriting techniques Scuba diving Sculpture Sea life & the seashore Sea life & the seashore: general interest Seasonal interest: Summer Seasonal interest: Winter Second World War Second World War fiction Secondary schools Self-help & personal development Self-sufficiency & 'green' lifestyle Semantics & pragmatics Semantics, discourse analysis, etc Semantics, discourse analysis, stylistics Semiotics / semiology Sentencing & punishment Separation & divorce Separation & divorce: advice & issues Serials, periodicals, abstracts, indexes Service industries Sex & sexuality, sex manuals Sex & sexuality: advice & issues Sex, sexuality, relationships & society: general Sexual abuse & harassment Sexual behaviour Shakespeare plays Shakespeare studies & criticism Shamanism, paganism & druidry Ship design & naval architecture Shipping industries Ships & boats: general interest Shopping guides Short stories Short stories (Children's / Teenage) Skiing Slang & dialect humour Slavery & abolition of slavery Sleep & dreams Sleep disorders & therapy Small businesses & self-employed Smallholdings Snowboarding Social & cultural anthropology Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography Social & cultural history Social & ethical issues Social & political philosophy Social attitudes Social classes Social discrimination & equal treatment Social discrimination & inequality Social forecasting, future studies Social geography Social groups Social groups: clubs & societies Social groups: religious groups & communities Social impact of disasters Social impact of environmental issues Social interaction Social issues (Children's / Teenage) Social issues & processes Social issues: environment & green issues (Children's / Teenage) Social issues: religious issues (Children's / Teenage) Social issues: war & conflict issues (Children's / Teenage) Social law Social mobility Social networking Social research & statistics Social services & welfare, criminology Social theory Social welfare & social services Social work Social, group or collective psychology Socialism & left-of-centre democratic ideologies Society & culture: general Society & social sciences Sociolinguistics Sociology Sociology & anthropology Sociology: birth Sociology: customs & traditions Sociology: death & dying Sociology: family & relationships Sociology: sexual relations Sociology: sport & leisure Sociology: work & labour Soft skills & dealing with other people Soil science, sedimentology Solar system: the Sun & planets Solo lifestyles: advice & issues Songbooks for children Sound story, noisy books, musical books Soups & starters Space (Children's / Teenage) Space exploration Space opera Space science Spanish Civil War Speaking / pronunciation skills Special & elite forces Special kinds of photography Specialized gardening methods Specific battles Specific wars & campaigns Speculative fiction Speeches Spinning & weaving spirit: meditation & visualisation Spirits & cocktails Spiritualism Spirituality & religious experience Sport & leisure industries Sport & the law Sport science, physical education Sport: general Sporting events & management Sporting stories (Children's / Teenage) Sporting venues Sports & active outdoor recreation Sports & outdoor recreation Sports & outdoor recreation (Children's / Teenage) Sports fiction Sports governing bodies Sports injuries & medicine Sports management & facilities Sports psychology Sports teams & clubs Sports training & coaching Squash & rackets Stained glass: artworks Stamps, philately Star signs & horoscopes States of consciousness Stationery & miscellaneous items (Children's / Teenage) Stationery items Sticker & stamp books Stockholm Street crime / gun crime Street maps & city plans Strikes String instruments Strip cartoons Structuralism & Post-structuralism Students & student organisations Study & learning skills: general Sub-aqua swimming Succulents & cacti Sudoku & number puzzles Supercomputers Surfing, windsurfing, water skiing Surgery Surveillance services Sustainability Sustainable agriculture Swimming Swimming & diving Swimming & water sports (Children's / Teenage) Systems analysis & design Systems of law Systems of law: Roman law Tarot Teacher assessment Teacher training Teachers' classroom resources & material Teaching of a specific subject Teaching of dyslexic students Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs Teaching of students with emotional & behavioural difficulties Teaching of students with physical impairment or disability Teaching of students with specific learning difficulties / needs Teaching skills & techniques Teaching staff Techniques of music / music tutorials Technology, engineering, agriculture Technology: general issues Technothriller Teenage & educational Teenage fiction: Fantasy romance Teenage personal & social issues: Advice on careers & further education, le Teenagers: advice for parents Television Television & film (Children's / Teenage) Television drama Television scripts & screenplays Television soap operas Tennis Terminal care nursing Terrorism, armed struggle Terrorist attack Textile artworks Textile artworks: tapestries, hangings & quilts Textile design & theory Textile industries Textiles & fibres The arts The arts: general issues The Cold War The countryside The countryside, country life The countryside, country life: general interest The Earth: natural history general The Earth: natural history: general interest The environment The French Revolution The historical Jesus The Holocaust The Koran The self, ego, identity, personality Theatre direction & production Theatre management Theatre studies Theatre: individual actors & directors Theatre: technical & background skills Theology Theoretical & mathematical astronomy Theory of architecture Theory of art Theory of music & musicology Theory of warfare & military science Therapy & therapeutics Thermodynamics & heat Thriller / suspense Thriller / suspense fiction Thrillers (Children's / Teenage) Tibetan Buddhism Time (chronology), time systems & standards Time management Torts / Delicts Touch & feel books toy & die-cut books Toys: making & decorating Track & field sports, athletics Tractors & farm vehicles: general interest Trade unions Traditional & folk music Traditional medicine & herbal remedies Traditional stories (Children's / Teenage) Traditional trades & skills Trains & railways: general interest Translation & interpretation Transport (Children's / Teenage) Transport industries Transport planning & policy Transport: general interest Trauma & shock Travel Travel & holiday Travel & holiday guides Travel guides: activity holidays Travel guides: adventure holidays Travel guides: caravan & camp-site guides Travel guides: Eco-tourism, 'green' tourism Travel guides: food & drink regions Travel guides: museums, historic sites, galleries etc Travel guides: restaurants, cafes, inns, bars Travel maps Travel maps & atlases Travel tips & advice: general Travel with children / family holidays Travel writing Trees Trees, wildflowers & plants Trees, wildflowers & plants: general interest trekking Trigonometry Trivia & quiz question books Truancy & anti-truancy strategies True crime True stories True stories (Children's / Teenage) True stories of heroism, endurance & survival True stories of survival of abuse & injustice True stories: discovery / historical / scientific True stories: general True war & combat stories Tudor England TV / celebrity chef cookbooks TV & society TV tie-in humour Typography & lettering UFOs & extraterrestrial beings UFOs & extraterrestrial beings (Children's / Teenage) Underwater archaeology Unexplained phenomena / the paranormal Uniforms & insignia United Kingdom, Great Britain United States of America, USA Urban & municipal planning Urban communities Urban fantasy Urology & urogenital medicine USA: The Great Depression USA: The Jazz Age Usage & grammar guides Utilities & tools Valentine's Day Vegan cookery Vegetarian cookery Venice Veterinary medicine Veterinary medicine: exotic & zoo animals Veterinary medicine: laboratory animals Veterinary medicine: large animals (domestic / farm) Victorian Britain Vietnam War Vietnam War fiction Violence in society Virology (non-medical) Virtual reality Virtual worlds Viticulture Volcanology & seismology Walking Walking, hiking, trekking War & combat fiction War & defence operations War crimes Warfare & defence Warfare, battles, armed forces (Children's / Teenage) Waste management Waste treatment & disposal Water gardens, pools Water sports & recreations Water supply & treatment Watercolours Wave mechanics (vibration & acoustics) Weapons & equipment Weather Weather: general interest Web services Weddings, wedding planners Weightlifting Welfare & benefit systems Welfare economics Western Western philosophy, from c 1900 - Western philosophy: Ancient, to c 500 Western philosophy: c 1600 to c 1900 Western philosophy: Enlightenment Western philosophy: Medieval & Renaissance, c 500 to c 1600 Westerns Wetlands, swamps, fens wildflowers & plants Wildlife (Children's / Teenage) Wildlife: aquatic creatures Wildlife: aquatic creatures: general interest Wildlife: birds & birdwatching Wildlife: birds & birdwatching: general interest Wildlife: butterflies Wildlife: butterflies, other insects & spiders Wildlife: butterflies, other insects & spiders: general interest Wildlife: general interest Wildlife: mammals Wildlife: mammals: general interest Wildlife: reptiles & amphibians Winemaking technology Wines Winter sports Witchcraft Witchcraft & Wicca Witches & ghosts (Children's / Teenage) Women's health Work & industry / world of work (Children's / Teenage) Working patterns & practices World atlases / world maps World Cup World music Worship, rites & ceremonies Writing skills Writing systems, alphabets Writing/Editing Guides Yearbooks, annuals, almanacs Yoga for exercise Yorkshire Dales Zen Buddhism Zoology & animal sciences Zoology: birds (ornithology) Zoology: fishes (ichthyology) Zoology: Invertebrates Zoology: Mammals Zoology: marine & freshwater mammals Zoology: primates (primatology) Zoology: Vertebrates Zoos & Wildlife Parks