Comparative politics

Showing all 3 results

  • Empireworld



    In ‘Empireworld’, award-winning author and journalist, Sathnam Sanghera extends his examination of British imperial legacies beyond Britain. Travelling the globe to trace its international legacies – from Barbados and Mauritius to India and Nigeria and beyond – Sanghera demonstrates just how deeply British imperialism is baked into our world. And why it’s time Britain was finally honest with itself about empire.

    SKU: 9780241997086 Category: Tags: ,
  • Four chancellors and a funeral


    Four chancellors and a funeral

    The sequel nobody wants. After a decade of the Tories, could it get any worse? Spoiler – it does. Towards the end of 2021, Britain had been frogmarched into an escalating series of surreal calamities. Brexit was a disaster, the NHS was in crisis, the government was bathed head-to-toe in impropriety, senior Tories were still acting as though the public purse was their personal feed-trough, and the air crackled with anger about PartyGate. ‘Four Chancellors and a Funeral’ delivers more of Russell Jones’s signature scathing wit, combining a detailed historical record of 2021 and 2022, with acerbic commentary, all of it leavened by jokes at the seemingly endless maelstrom of failures, nincompoops, and hypocrisies.

  • Westlessness



    The receding of Western power is speeding up, shaking the ground under our feet. In ‘Westlessness’, Dr Puri vividly demonstrates how in demographic, economic, military and cultural terms, we are hurtling into a far more diverse global future. Many of our certainties about the present, built on centuries of massive Western global impact, are increasingly fragile. Nothing is linear and nothing is predictable. Untold wealth is moving from the West to the East, as nations like India and Indonesia are set to reach new heights of growth and confidence. China continues its ascent to the peak of the economic mountain – but are cracks appearing? BUT will the Western world, (under the aegis of US global military, economic, technological and cultural power) give up its privileged position willingly? Are we ready, professionally and personally, to adapt to a much more diverse global future?

    SKU: 9781399722636 Category: Tags: ,