Popular science

Showing 1–16 of 82 results

  • A brief history of black holes


    A brief history of black holes

    Black holes are the universe’s strangest and most fascinating objects. In A Brief History of Black Holes, Dr Becky explores the mysteries and realities of this misunderstood phenomenon – and that nearly everything you know about them is wrong.

  • A brief history of intelligence


    A brief history of intelligence

    Bridges the gap between AI and neuroscience by telling the story of how the brain came to be.

    ‘I found this book amazing’ Daniel Kahneman, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics and bestselling author of Thinking Fast & Slow

  • A monstrous commotion


    A monstrous commotion

    ‘A Monstrous Commotion’ delves deep into the depths of the Loch Ness phenomenon, one of the iconic scientific mysteries of the last 100 years. The legend of the ‘water horse’ in Loch Ness and other Scottish lakes is ancient, but reports of the monster date from as recently as the 1930s, courtesy of a correspondent of the ‘Inverness Courier.’ Rather than debating the arguably unfathomable realities of what lies beneath these murky Scottish waters, Gareth Williams instead engages with the people who have dedicated themselves to unearthing the truth of the monster’s existence. He explores just what it is that drives these people to the point of obsession, and the ways in which their own quests have changed their lives, and the lives of others.

  • Allergic



    Hay fever. Peanut allergies. Eczema. Billions of people worldwide have some form of allergy; millions have one severe enough to seriously endanger their health. And over the past decade, the number of people diagnosed with allergy has been steadily increasing, an ever-growing medical burden on individuals, families, and our health care system. Medical anthropologist Theresa MacPhail, herself an allergy sufferer whose father died of a bee sting, set out to understand why.

    SKU: 9781802062830 Category: Tags: , ,
  • Applied mathematics


    Applied mathematics

    Applied mathematics plays a role in many different fields, especially the sciences and engineering. Goriely explains its nature and its relationship to pure mathematics, and through a variety of applications — such as mathematical modelling to predict the effects of climate change — he illustrates its power in tackling very practical problems.

    SKU: 9780198754046 Category: Tags: ,
  • Bacteria: A Very Short Introduction


    Bacteria: A Very Short Introduction

    This Very Short Introduction explores the nature of bacteria, their origin, evolution, and relationship to the environment to demonstrate the fundamental role they play in our existence. This new edition examines the symbiotic relationship between the human body and bacteria, including their role in disease, wellness, and evolutionary development.

    SKU: 9780192895240 Category: Tags: ,
  • Blue machine


    Blue machine

    Here is a fascinating dive into the essential engine that drives our world. Czerski brings the oceans alive with compelling stories that masterfully navigate this most complex system.

    SKU: 9781804991961 Category: Tags: , ,
  • Climate change


    Climate change

    Climate change is perhaps the greatest challenge facing humanity. This book describes the substantial evidence for climate change and considers its potentially catastrophic impacts worldwide in the coming decades. It also discusses the geopolitical aspects, and explores what actions can be taken by individuals, companies, and governments.

  • Close encounters of the fungal kind


    Close encounters of the fungal kind

    ‘A very enjoyable book that brilliantly blends science, insight and passion’ TRISTAN GOOLEY

  • Computer science


    Computer science

    While the development of Information Technology has been obvious to all, the underpinning computer science has been less apparent. Subrata Dasgupta provides a thought-provoking introduction to the field and its core principles, considering computer science as a science of symbol processing.

    SKU: 9780198733461 Category: Tags: ,
  • Coral reefs


    Coral reefs

    Coral reefs are among the most biodiverse of ecosystems. Here, Charles Sheppard tells the fascinating story of how and where coral reefs are formed and the variety of marine life they support. He highlights the severe threats they face due to climate change, pollution, and over-exploitation, and the ongoing conservation efforts to save them.

  • Dark matter


    Dark matter

    The microbiome is the missing link in modern medicine: a vast genetic universe of bacteria, yeasts, viruses and parasites that live inside us, influencing every aspect of our health, even the way we think and feel. In this mindblowing book, scientist and surgeon James Kinross explains how the organisms that live within us have helped us evolve, shaped our biology and defined the success of our species. But just as we have discovered this delicate and complex ecosystem within us, it is being irrevocably destroyed through the globalisation of our diets and lifestyles, our addiction to antibiotics, and the destruction of our environment.

    SKU: 9780241544006 Category: Tags: ,
  • Death As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal


    Death As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal

    ‘We would love to discover that each species has a biological clock in its cells, because, if that clock existed and if we were able to find it, perhaps we could stop it and thus become eternal,’ Arsuaga tells Millás in this book, in which science is intertwined with literature. The paleontologist reveals essential aspects of our existence to the writer, and debates the advisability of transmitting his random vision of life to a dieting Millás, who discovers that old age is a country in which he still feels like a foreigner.

  • Exhausted



    Burnout is said to be the defining feeling of the post-pandemic world – but why are we all so exhausted? Some of us struggle with perfectionism, while others are simply overwhelmed by the demands of modern life. But whatever you’re feeling, you are not alone – and this liberating, enlightening guide to exhaustion in all its forms will help you find the energy to beat burnout and weariness. From confronting our inner critics to how our desire to be productive stops us from being free, Anna Katherina Schaffner, cultural historian and burnout coach, brings together science, medicine, literature and philosophy to explore the causes and history of exhaustion and burnout, revealing new ways to combat stress and negativity. Inventive and freewheeling, full of comfort, solace and practical advice, ‘Exhausted’ is an inspiring guide to getting control of your own exhaustion – and rediscovering happiness along the way.

  • Fractals



    From the contours of coastlines to the outlines of clouds, fractal shapes can be found regularly in nature. This Very Short Introduction explains the basic concepts, presents the ‘new geometry’ of fractals, explores its wide range of applications, and shows the central place fractals have gained in mathematics and science in recent years.

    SKU: 9780199675982 Category: Tags: ,
  • Game Theory


    Game Theory

    Games are played everywhere: from economics and online auctions to social interactions, and game theory is about how to play such games in a rational way, and how to maximize their outcomes. This VSI reveals, without mathematical equations, the insights the theory can bring to everything from how to play poker optimally to the sex ratio among bees.
