Palmer, Tom

Showing all 3 results

  • Angel of Grasmere


    Angel of Grasmere

    Tarn grapples with the loss of her brother at Dunkirk as she faces the threat of Nazi invasion in the Cumbrian countryside in this gripping wartime tale from Tom Palmer.

  • Dead Ball


    Dead Ball

    Russian billionaire Dmitri Tupolev & a mystery Englishman agree to fix an important match in Russia’s favour by intimidating the England goalie, Alex Finn. But Alex goes against their wishes. His punishment is an ‘accidental’ car crash & now he’s out of the return game in Russia.

    SKU: 9780141323688 Category:
  • Off Side


    Off Side

    Danny is furious when City are sold to an anonymous foreign buyer. But when Danny discovers Adam, a kid from Ghana, dumped by his agent who’d promised him a place as a junior at City, and lost in a foreign country he knows nothing about, Danny realizes there are worse ways of being alone.
