Showing all 5 results
Bradford’s crossword solver’s lists
£16.99Bradford’s crossword solver’s lists
Hundreds of word lists, arranged thematically, to help with solving cryptic and quick crossword clues. The lists are sorted alphabetically and by length, and provide an invaluable reference for all crossword solvers.
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Collins first French dictionary
£6.99Collins first French dictionary
Bag the perfect KS1 French dictionary this Back to School.
An ideal first French dictionary for kids aged 5+ and above, designed to introduce French vocabulary to children in a fun, easy and memorable way.
£6.99 -
Scrabble Dictionary
£12.00Scrabble Dictionary
An essential resource for all Scrabble enthusiasts.
Stuck on how to decide on what is a valid word in Scrabble?
This edition, in paperback, is fully updated to include all valid words between 2 and 9 letters in length from the latest official Scrabble word list, and allows players to settle disputes over the eligibility of words.£12.00 -
Scrabble secrets
£7.99Scrabble secrets
“Scrabble, forage and fight for a copy. This is a wonderful, wonderful companion for all who get a kick from the manipulation of letters or words.”
Stephen Fry
£7.99 -
Compact Oxford Spanish Dictionary
£12.99Compact Oxford Spanish Dictionary
A compact, intermediate-level dictionary covering over 90,000 words and phrases, and 120,000 translations ideal for the home, office, or school.