Outdoor survival skills
Showing all 10 results
40 Knots and How To Tie Them
£12.9940 Knots and How To Tie Them
A beautifully presented, practical gift guide to the age-old art of tying knots.
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A forager’s guide to wild drinks
£25.00A forager’s guide to wild drinks
Brew up your own wild concoctions to enjoy through the seasons. This book celebrates year-round foraging and feasting. Soothing winter warmers and delicate botanical teas join energy-boosting tonics and zingy summer coolers. Liz Knight’s expertise and enthusiasm – familiar to viewers of numerous BBC TV shows including ‘Saturday Live’ and ‘Escape to the Farm’ – are truly infectious, and her readers will soon be happily gathering their own wild harvest.
£25.00 -
Bird Tracks
£25.00 -
Do your best
£20.00Do your best
What more could you ask for, than a book stuffed like an overfilled rucksack with tips and tricks from one of the world’s most celebrated adventurers from pitching a tent, leading a team, how to keep fit, tie knots, memorise facts, identify trees, stars and birds, as well as learning real survival skills like putting up a tent in the wild and stashing your breakfast in ground to keep it hot for the next morning? This is the book for anyone who is a Scout, was a Scout, or wants to be a Scout. ‘Do Your Best’ is the handbook for every Scout, young and old. It’s a warm-hearted book in which you’ll learn all the skills the scouts use to do their best in everything they do and set themselves up to face life head-on and make a real difference in the world.
£20.00 -
Fifty Things to Do With a Stick
£12.99Fifty Things to Do With a Stick
A must-read for anyone with an adventurous spirit, a yen to whittle and chop, and a desire to get out into nature and play with sticks! These 50 achievable ideas for making and playing with sticks – all with beautiful step-by-step illustrations – make a great gift.
£12.99 -
Mountaineers Books is proud to present the 10th edition of this master guide, commonly referred to as “Freedom.”
£35.00 -
New Wild Order
£18.99New Wild Order
This book is not about aspirational living; it’s about practical living. It’s about looking at the world around you and finding where it’s at fault, rather than blaming yourself. It’s about dropping the comfortable prisons we create for ourselves to find the real freedom and happiness we deserve. We live in a world that is overfed but malnourished, sunlight deficient, overly competitive, sedentary, and sleep deprived. Our blood pressure and stress levels are at record highs, our mental health at record lows. Our eyes are strained from looking at screens all the time, and our backs are killing us. We buy far too much of what we don’t need, and we aren’t even pooing in the right position! Yet step outside, maybe walk a few minutes down the road, and you will inevitably see plants bursting with nourishment, hear calming birdsong, breathe in fresh air, move your stiff body.
£18.99 -
South Downs Way
£9.99South Downs Way
The A-Z Adventure Series of maps is the perfect companion for walkers, off-road cyclists, and anyone wishing to explore the great outdoors.
£9.99 -
The camping bible
£20.00The camping bible
Slow down. Simplify. Sleep with your ear to the earth. This is the ultimate guide to the art and joy of living outdoors, under canvas. Whether it’s a fast-and-light backpacking adventure, a sea kayak safari, a family camping trip, or simply living and cooking outside in your garden, camping can do it all. Offering an escape from the stresses of everyday life, the art of camping lies in living simply, well. This book is a complete reference for newcomers and lifelong campers alike.