Zoology & animal sciences

Showing all 8 results

  • Birds, Beasts and Bedlam


    Birds, Beasts and Bedlam

    ‘Birds, Beasts and Bedlam’ recounts the adventures of farmer-turned-rewilder Derek Gow, who is saving Britain’s much-loved but dangerously threatened species, from the water vole to beaver, wildcat to white stork, and tree frog to glow worm. Derek tells us all about the realities of rewilding; how he reared delicate roe deer and a sofa-loving wild boar piglet, moved a raging bison bull across the country, got bitten by a Scottish wildcat, returned honking skeins of graylag geese to the land and water that was once theirs, and restored the white stork to the Knepp Estate with Charlie Burrell and Isabella Tree.

  • Mammals



    Relative newcomers within the story of evolution, mammals are hugely successful and have colonized land, water, and air. Tom Kemp discusses the great diversity of mammalian species, and looks at how their very disparate characteristics, physiologies, and behaviours are all largely driven by one uniting factor: endothermy, or warm-bloodedness.

  • Sleeping beauties


    Sleeping beauties

    Why do some of nature’s marvels have to wait millions of years for their time in the sun?

  • The genetic book of the dead


    The genetic book of the dead

    From one of the world’s great science writers, a book that explores the deepest principles of evolutionary history. Richard Dawkins shows how the body, behaviour, and genes of every living creature can be read as a book – an archive of the worlds of its ancestors.

  • The jewel box


    The jewel box

    Every morning, ecologist Tim Blackburn is inspired by the diversity contained within the moth trap he runs on his roof. Beautiful and ineffably mysterious, these moths offer a glimpse into a larger order, one that extends beyond individual species and into a hidden landscape. Footmen, whose populations are on the march as their lichen food recovers from decades of industrial pollution. The Goat Moth, a thumb-sized broken stick mimic, that takes several years to mature deep in the wood of tree trunks. The Oak Eggar, with the look of a bemused Honey Monster, host to a large wasp that eats its caterpillars alive from the inside. In ‘The Jewel Box’, he reflects on what he has learned in thirty years of work as a scientist studying ecosystems, and demonstrates how the contents of one small box can illuminate the workings of all nature.

  • The modern bestiary


    The modern bestiary

    From the familiar to the improbable, the gross to the endearing, ‘The Modern Bestiary’ is a compendium of curious creatures. It includes both animals that have made headlines and those you’ve probably never heard of, such as skin-eating caecilians, harp sponges, or zombie worms – also known as bone-eating snot flowers.

  • The secret history of sharks


    The secret history of sharks

    From ancient megalodons to fearsome Great Whites, this book tells the complete, untold story of how sharks emerged as Earth’s ultimate survivors, by world-leading paleontologist John Long. Sharks have been fighting for their lives for 500 million years and today are under dire threat. They are the longest-surviving vertebrate on Earth, outlasting multiple mass extinction events that decimated life on the planet. But how did they thrive for so long? By developing superpower-like abilities that allowed them to ascend to the top of the oceanic food chain. John Long, who for decades has been on the cutting edge of shark research, weaves a thrilling story of sharks’ unparalleled reign. ‘The Secret History of Sharks’ showcases the global search to discover sharks’ largely unknown evolution, led by Long and dozens of other extraordinary scientists.

  • The universal history of us


    The universal history of us

    Do you ever find yourself wondering how we came to exist? Or how humans came to call planet Earth our home? In this simple and uncomplicated guide, Oxford Professor Tim Coulson uncovers the history of the entire universe from the Big Bang to human existence taking readers of all backgrounds on a journey that covers physics, chemistry, biology, the evolution of consciousness, through to the rise of humanity.
